Petite blog for Peruvian wellbeing

Category: lifestyle (page 4 of 4)

Five reasons to drink water | Lifestyle

Drinking at least two liters of water a day makes you pretty. If you do not believe me, here is one of various posts with before and after photos of convinced women. Most of them recommend drinking three liters of water a day. Good luck with the multiple walks to the kitchen and, promptly, to the bathroom. Español aquí.

With all that’s recently happened plus the United Nations World Water Day this week, I am convinced that water is life. We couldn’t survive without it, at least not after seven days without it as I’ve read on Wikipedia. With that in mind, here are five reasons to tote your water bottle around the office. I hope you like!

1. Makes you pretty
Our skin contains many liquids and drinking water prevents it from drying out and wrinkling in an abnormal way. The kidneys intervene so that we do not take more water than necessary but can reinforce the hydration of your skin with creams.

2. Takes care of your muscles
The lack of fluid and electrolytes causes the cells to be reduced and the muscles to become tired. Experts recommend drinking water when you do exercises to replenish fluids lost while sweating.

3. Keeps you healthy
Our body is made up of 60% water, which we use for different bodily functions such as digestion, circulation, and regulation of our temperature, among others. Drinking water replenishes this liquid and keeps us healthy.

4. Helps your kidneys
Our body fluids are like a drainage system that carries what our cells do not serve to a pair of treatment plants known as kidneys. Our kidneys need to have an adequate level of liquid to process what our body does not need.

5. Avoids constipation
Not drinking enough water causes the colon to remove fluid from the stools to hydrate and cause constipation. Drinking water makes everything flow and you avoid those problems.

Five tips for sun protection | Lifestyle

Hello! This post is all about sun protection. My experience in Peru can be summed up as hot. It’s summer in Lima and I’m melting away. Only this week Senamhi, Peru’s weather institute measured radiation levels ranging from 14 to 19 on a scale of 20. For reference, a measurement of 5 is moderate, above 11 it is extremely high. Español aquí.

Of course you shouldn’t just protect yourself from the sun and radiation in Peru. Wherever and whenever, you should protect yourself. Did you know that UVA makes you look older faster? Keep reading for more tips to protect yourself from the sun! 🌞

1. Protect yourself against UVB and UVA rays
Look for a formula that protects you from both UVB and UVA rays. UVB rays are the ones that burn and darken your skin, and UVA rays wrinkle and age you. Yes, they make you wrinkle faster than usual. Both of them also cause cancer.

SPF will let you know what percentage of UVB rays are repelled by your sunblock. SPF 15 protects you from 93% of radiation; 30, from 97%; 50, from 98% and 100, from 99%. The difference is quite narrow. Because of this difference of only 1% or 2%, dermatologists recommend an SPF 30 which is easier to find in a store.

Make sure your sunscreen will protect you from UVA rays by looking for it on the label or the words “broad spectrum”. Broad spectrum will also protect you from UVB rays.

2. Reapply every two hours
An SPF can also tell you how long your sunblock protects you from the sun. You can estimate this time by multiplying the SPF reading with how long it takes for your unprotected skin to get red. For example, if you become red within 10 minutes of being exposed to the sun and use an SPF 30 sunblock, it should protect you for about 130 minutes. However, I should also mention that some studies recommend reapplying your formula at least every two hours, regardless.

3. ¿Chemical or physical?
So, apparently sun protection comes in two types: chemical and physical. Chemical formulas work with ingredients that absorb UV radiation before it gets in your skin. Because no chemical offers a broad UV coverage on its own, chemical sunblocks and sunscreens contain a combination of ingredients to protect against the full UV ray spectrum.

Physical formulas reflect or repel UV radiation, bouncing it off your skin. Zinc oxide and titanium dioxide are two recognized ingredients for providing a broad physical UV spectrum protection. Physical formulas are the most recommended for sensitive skin.

4. If you are going to get wet, use a waterproof formula
Only those formulas that are waterproof will actually protect you if you get wet. If it isn’t waterproof, getting wet will only remove the formula and leave you unprotected.

5. Use additional protection
Dare to wear hats and additional protection. I love the geisha type parasols I’ve seen around Lima these weeks. To ensure your protection against the sun, make sure your instruments have an insulating material that will keep the sun’s rays off you when you use them.

Don’t be embarrassed to use something that will keep you safe. It seems that my friend’s hobby is to tease me whenever I wear something that is not “standard”, but the one who laughs last laughs best.

I would love to know if you liked this post. I really hope it helps you protect yourself against the sun. Remember that even when you can’t see the sun, we are still exposed to UVA radiation. 🌞

Source: SENHAMI, UCSF School of Medicine, and Skin Cancer Foundation.

Motivate yourself with 6 reasons to work out!

As much as I love cooking and eating, I also love doing sports and staying healthy. Sport has helped me in many ways and I am excited to share this post for six reasons to exercise and be your best self. Let’s go! Español aquí.

1. Control your weight
Sports help control your weight. When you do any exercise, you burn calories; when you increase the intensity, you burn more calories. Exercising more than once a week is ideal, but when we can begin by taking the stairs instead of the elevator and incorporating walks in routine.

2. Keeps you healthy
Exercising is a way of protecting ourselves from different ailments, such as heart disease. Being active increases high-density lipoprotein (HDL), which is also known as good cholesterol, and which reduces triglycerides. Regular exercise also prevents and controls other diseases such as metabolic problems, diabetes, depression, cancer and arthritis.

3. It makes you happy.
Physical activity stimulates the development of chemicals in your brain that make you feel happy and relaxed. Exercising regularly will also improve your physique and the way you see yourself, which fuels your self-esteem and makes you feel good about yourself.

4. It gives you energy
Exercising strengthens your muscles and endurance. Doing sports provides your muscles with more oxygen and nutrients, making your cardiovascular system works better. This results in increased energy.

5. Helps sleep
Exercising will help you to fall asleep faster and uninterruptedly.

6. Stimulate your social life
Exercising with your friends or partner is an excellent idea to motivate each other and share a moment in the day. If you can not go with someone special, it is also an opportunity to meet new people.

Before you begin, make sure to check with your personal doctor or a specialist. I also recommend having the right tools, such as clothing and shoes that you feel comfortable and not restricted in.

I hope you liked this post and that it motivated you to start doing sports, if you didn’t already. Health is a long term investment. We can start today by having healthy habits. I hope to share more posts like this soon.

That’s me in the picture . Let me know if you’d like more posts like these. I am happy to oblige.

Fiber and three ways of making oatmeal | Microwave, Stove Top, and Overnight | Video

Did you know that there are two types of fiber that our body need to be healthy? I am talking about soluble and insoluble fibers. Both come from vegetables and have the characteristic that they can not be decomposed or absorbed by our digestive system. The soluble fiber absorbs and removing the liquids in its path, and insoluble fiber sort of just pushes its way through.

Tres maneras de preparar avena: microondas, estufa, y remojadas

Today’s post brings some interesting facts about the benefits of oatmeal as a rich source of soluble fiber, a little below that I’d like to share three ways that you can make it by using a microwave, a stovetop, and soaking them overnight.

It’s good for your heart. Due to its high content of soluble fiber, oatmeal reduces cholesterol levels and the risks of heart disease. The soluble fiber absorbs the low-density fat that is known as cholesterol, removing it from our system (you know how).

Aids against diabetes. The low absorption which is produced by the presence of soluble fiber controls blood sugar spikes that cause type 2 diabetes, and other heart diseases.

Helps with weight control and loss. Soluble fiber also helps us reach or maintain a healthy weight because it makes you feel full, and if you aren’t hungry you won’t overeat.

Supports a good digestion. Finally, as soluble fiber goes through our system absorbing liquids, it protects us against constipation and diarrhea.

3 Ways to make it

These recipes are inspired by overnight oats, considering almost the same ingredients, but using three different ways of cooking it because we don’t always have 8 hours or more.

Duration: Preparation time 2-3 minutes

½ cup water
½ cup oats
½ cup milk
¼ cup thick yogurt
¼ fruit (optional) – I used ½ banana
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon ground clove

Bring water, oats, cinnamon and clove together in a bowl. Cook in the microwave for 2 to 3 minutes. The water must cover the oats, without surpassing it to avoid spilling inside the microwave. Also, use a container with room for the water to bubble.

Remove from the microwave and let cool for a minute or more.

Dejar enfriar un poco

Add milk, yogurt, fruit and honey.

Makes 1 serving

Stove Top
Duration: 10 to 20 minutes

1 cup water
½ cup oats
½ cup milk
¼ cup yogurt
¼ fruit (optional) – I used ½ banana
½ teaspoon ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon of ground cloves
⅛ tablespoon of salt

Bring the water, oats, cinnamon, cloves and salt to a boil in a small pot. Cook for about 10 minutes, or until the desired consistency is achieved, stirring occasionally.

Serve in a bowl and let it cool.

Add milk and yogurt. Also, add fruit and honey.

Makes 1 serving

Overnight oats
8 hours

There is a very popular way to make oatmeal by soaking it overnight that does not require cooking. From what I read, it is commonly prepared with three proportions of oats (⅓) , milk (⅓) and yogurt (⅓). It seems like too much yogurt for me, so for this recipe I’m using slightly different proportions.

½ cup oats
½ cup milk
¼ cup thick yogurt
¼ fruit (optional) – I used ½ banana
½ teaspoon of ground cinnamon
¼ teaspoon of ground cloves

Combine oats and milk in a container. Add cinnamon, cloves and honey.

Cover with yogurt. Add fruits now or the next day. Take in mind that what you leave to soak will be soggy the next day.

Let it sit in a refrigerator for 8 hours or overnight. You can warm it briefly in the microwave if it’s too cold for you.

Makes 1 serving

Fuente/Source: Mayoclinic & Webmd