Petite blog for Peruvian wellbeing

Category: places (page 1 of 2)

One minute in Pucallpa

This year hit me like a water balloon during carnivals in Lima, circa 1990’s. I quietly changed jobs at the end of 2017 and I feel like I’ve been in transition ever since. Work was very demanding and I wasn’t able to post. I also fell in a tub, but that’s another story. I was a little sad, missing these posts. Español aquí.

But life remains beautiful, or at least it does in Pucallpa city on the Amazonian region of Peru. Here is a short video sharing my brief weekend visit to Pucallpa. Of course, I visited mainly for the animals. Dolphins to be specific. Peru’s Amazon region has beautiful pink and grey dolphins. I didn’t get too close, but you can see them at the end of the video… er… if you squint your eyes. Here is what else you can see. Read more

How to pick a lunch menu spot

I share a lot of empathy with my peers about bringing food from home at work. We like home cooking, knowing how it was made and the money saved isn’t bad either. But we can’t all do it. For all the times I can’t bring lunch to the office, I spent some time thinking about how to eat something healthy. Español aquí.

I recently found a menu post that’s close to me that cooks like home. Not without before making some bad choices that included “chifas”, cevicherías and Creole menus of dubious origin that will remain anonymous. Here’s how I made my choice and hope you can find your own corner to enjoy as much as I do La Valeriana at Petit Thours Avenue. Español aquí.
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Jungle food for a limeña

There is something alluring about the Amazon. In Peru, the territory is vast, running east of the Andes Mountains and onto the Peruvian limit with Ecuador, Colombia, Brazil, and Bolivia. I have a special place in my heart for this part of my country and a special place in my Google Albums for the one time I visited this region of Peru. Español aquí.


Sadly, as far as my family tree goes, no one comes from the jungle. Otherwise I could boast about being hot blooded even though I’m from the capital city of Lima. But every excuse is good to eat in Peru, so I let a good friend and his wife (from Amazonian Tarapoto) guide us to the Aguajal Restaurant for Saint John day. We celebrated with them. I love learning new things so here is what I learned about this day and their amazing food.

Iquitos, 2013

Among the customs and celebrations that make up the amazonian charm is the day of Saint John The Baptist, known locally as día de San Juan. The festivity includes bathing in the river on June 23rd, because it is said that Saint John blessed all the rivers to bring happiness and health on that day. The next, going to mass and then to party. They say it’s also common to light bonfires in the river. From Lima, I didn’t bathe in the river or light any fires, but I did share this nice amazonian meal.

The Juane
The most typical dish for Saint John day is the Juane, which resembles the head of Saint John. It’s said to originate from the amazonian city of Moyobamba and be inspired by the biblical episode in which Herodias beheaded John the Baptist at the request of Salmone. Yikes. Gastronomically, it has various presentations, the most common being rice, chicken and spices wrapped in plantain leaves and boiled for about an hour and a half. I learned that it tastes best when you eat it warm. After cooling down the taste is not the same.

Tacacho con Cecina
Another typical Peruvian amazonian dish is the tacacho with cecina, which is mashed green plantains with smoked pork and a sausage. The plantains are either fried or boiled, and mashed with pork fat. The rest is pretty self explanatory. I find this to be a very filling meal.

cecina con tacacho
Source: El Aguajal

Arroz chaufa de Cecina
Arroz chaufa is not a typical amazonian dish, but an adaptation of a Peruvian favorite. You see chaufa is the Peruvian version of fried rice. The name alone comes from a very bad pronunciation of the chinese for fried rice. The dish originates from what the kitchen helpers could make with whatever was leftover from their workday. The variation is in using the cecina pork instead of chicken.

arroz chaufa con cecina
Source: El Aguajal

Happy National Ceviche Day

In case you were doubting that Peruvians love food, today is National Ceviche Day. The odd thing is that we celebrate it during winter (at least in the capital). Español aquí.

ceviche peruano

Since 2008, this special day reminds us to eat responsibly caught and farmed fish throughout Peru and the world. Lovely days…

Here is a recipe for ceviche.
Here are some places you can eat ceviche in Lima.
And here are some places you can eat ceviche in NYC.

Ten places to eat delicious in May (and help with education) | Video

Hello friends. At 31 years old, I’m going to be… an aunt. As I shared in this week’s video recipe, my sister is going to be a mom for the first time. You don’t know how happy this makes me. At the same time, I think a lot about how I’m going to help my nephew to grow. I know that education will be his best gift. Since I have been making gifts for children, I have been choosing books. Now that I know that out of every 10 Peruvian children, only 5 understand what they read, I won’t stop. Español aquí.

That is why I wanted to take a lil bit of time to tell you about the “Aprendamos Juntos” program, which is supported by the “Fundación Custer” and their campaign “Una causa por la educación”. The campaign name has quite a cute pun in Spanish. “Aprendamos Juntos” is an initiative that provides educational therapies for children in 1st and 2nd grade, coursing in schools that are vulnerable to learning problems and are located in places such as Comas, Ventanilla, San Juan de Lurigancho, among others. Click here to read more about them. In summary, they strengthen children’s learning capabilities with psychologists, involving their teachers and their parents.

But what about the food? Here is where I tell you that these ten restaurants – which are already quite well known and respected in Lima – have pledged a percentage of their profits in May towards the program. Because I know we all love to eat good food, I hope you can keep them in your radar and join us in this good cause. I also plan to collaborate (with my humble salary) and I will be sharing pictures of the restaurants I visited through my social networks. And you, do you know where you want to go?

1. ámaZ

2. Mangos

3. Cala

4. La Bonbonniere

5. Punta Sal

6. La Huaca Pucllana

7. Cuarto y Mitad

8. Charlotte

9.Popular de aquí y de allá

10. Costanera 700