Petite blog for Peruvian wellbeing

Category: video (page 8 of 10)

Recipe: Peruvian dried potato and meat stew | Video

Criollo Halloween is here! This is Halloween + Creole Song Day (Aka Día de la Canción Criolla), which also falls on October 31 and is a Peruvian holiday to celebrate our Creole culture. This is why this week’s recipe is dedicated to Carapulcra, a stew of dried potatoes and meat, heavily seasoned with chilies and spices. A trivia fact about Carapulcra, did you know it is the oldest Peruvian dish in history? Español aquí.

Carapulcra de tres carnes

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Recipe: Homemade mashed potatoes | Easy to Make | Video

Welcome to my crypt! Just kidding… I am very happy to be nearly recovered from one of the worst flu I’ve ever had. I won’t bore you with my symptoms but I will tell you that it did not cure with margaritas. This week’s recipe is the first of a series of “easy to make” recipes that I want to share with you. I am kicking off with a basic version of homemade mashed potatoes. I learned to make it by watching my mom and I find myself thinking of her when I make it. The ingredients are natural. I hope you like it! Español aquí.

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Recipe: Pot roast beef in tomato sauce (Video)

This weekend was great. It was my first time going to the Austin City Limits music festival in Texas, although I ended up with a fever and a sore throat last night. I will be trying to get better by drinking lots of fluids, like hot tea with lemon and plenty of soups. While this liquid healing is underway, I want to share this recipe and video with you for a delicious pot roast beef in tomato sauce. Español aquí.

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Recipe: Peruvian style ceviche (Video)

I am very happy to share this publication because it means that I have restocked on Peruvian yellow peppers and other ingredients that I had run out of a few weeks ago. Since I have continued my commitment to eat mainly fish on the weekend, I was really craving a traditional Peruvian style ceviche. My first attempt of ceviche was with salmon and avocado, and now I would like to share this recipe for making a typical Peruvian ceviche. I hope you like it! Español aquí.

Although I would have liked to make ceviche with corvina or cojinova fish, I had to try another species, since I’m still away from Lima. I had a very good experience with “Barramundi” which was recommended at an organic supermarket. Apparently this fish comes from the West Pacific region, and is very popular in Thailand. It was good, but if I can recommend another white fish other than tilapia, I promise I will try it 🙂

I’d forgotten how easy and fast it is this dish. I really enjoyed making it.

In case you are looking for Peruvian ingredients in Texas, I found Peruvian yellow, rocoto, panca, and mirasol peppers at Fiesta Mart supermarkets. The brands they carry are Inca’s Food for chillies and some beverages, and Goya for beans and banana chips. You may find it funny, but I struggled to find lima beans and chickpeas before that. If you are not near the store, look for a Latin market and asking for their Peruvian food section. Hope you find it!

1 kilo of white boneless fish
1 cup of Peruvian lemon juice (**)
1 large red onion, in thin vertical cuts
1 Peruvian yellow pepper, or according to taste
¼ teaspoon shredded ginger
2-3 cloves garlic
Salt and pepper
Lettuce or arugula

Toasted Dried Corn Cancha
Dried corn cancha for toasting

Remove the skin and cut into medium to small cubes.

Place the fish on a dish, without placing one cut over another. Add garlic, salt and pepper.

Optional: Add Peruvian Yellow Pepper and ginger.

Cover fish with onion.

Cover the dish with lemon and let sit for 10 min. Serve immediately when cooked.

Ceviche is traditionally served on lettuce and garnished with cilantro. It is accompanied by toasted cancha, sweet potato and peruvian corn.

Serves 3-4 people

Toasted Dried Corn Cancha
You can toast the cancha while you wait for the fish to cook. Heat an oiled pot. Add cancha.

Cover and cook until shortly after cancha pops. You can shake the covered pot to help it cook evenly, until golden. Make sure to wear mittens if you do this.

Pour the cancha in a bowl and add salt.

Repeat to make more.

Comments (**)

  • You can boil the Peruvian Yellow Pepper in water to reduce the spice. I boiled it twice in the microwave.
  • Try bathing the onion in salted water before adding to the fish, to reduce its strong flavor.
  • The cancha cooks very fast so try making it in small portions to avoid burning the cancha.
  • Peruvian lemon has a different flavor than lemons you will find elsewhere. In the US you can mix limes and lemons, say 2 limes and 6 lemons.