Hello friends, this post is to ask you to express your solidarity with our brothers who are victims of the rains, floods and landslides currently affecting the coastal regions in Peru. Thousands of people have already been affected and displaced thorough the country. Español aquí.

There are many ways to help. I have some links here or you can contact your local authorities or trusted institution. Updated ways to help here.

For information on the #UnaSolaFuerza campaign from the Council of Ministers click here.

The Municipality of San Isidro has also begun its campaign “Peru lends a hand” (Perú da la mano) in alliance with Caritas of Peru and Grupo RPP. You can find there information here.

For those who want to help the animals that have also been affected there is the Peruvian Association for the Protection of Animals – ASPPA. You can find their information here.

Proyecto Libertad group is also organizing activities and you can find their information here.