Petite blog for Peruvian wellbeing

Category: lifestyle (page 3 of 4)

How to make a duvet cover with gifs | DIY | Video

This week’s lifestyle post is for keeping your wallet healthy with my first DIY. Have you thought about changing your bedroom? How about using a duvet cover as an alternative to buying a new one and saving all that space your old duvet would take up in your closet? Using a cover will bring new life to your comforter with the colors and patterns that you like. I hope you enjoy! Español aquí.

Since I know they exist, I really love them. Sadly in Peru (where I am now) there are few options for getting a cover while other countries do sell them with ease. I wrote this post after making my own comforter cover, when I didn’t have a job, but I still wanted my bedroom to look nice. Sorry about the shortage of footage, but it was just really bad. I really hope these gifs can help explain.

As I always do, before getting started I browsed through Pinterest for inspiration. I enjoy minimalist designs so I opted for a white and grey colors, which I find most elegant. One side grey, one side white. For this project I covered my own feather comforter which is in good conditions, and is beige and brown colored. I got it before I knew how geese suffer when loose their feathers. Now that I know, I recommend using a synthetic filled comforter which is easier to wash.

Comforter and bed sizes are not standard and vary between countries. To know how much cloth you need measure your duvet and add some extra centimeters to the width and length. I chose my cover to be 2.30 meters wide and long.

I purchased the cloth in Lima’s Gamarra district and I asked for it as cotton cloth for sheets. I always worry that fabric will shrink in the dryer so I asked for a high percentage of cotton. The white fabric was 100% cotton and the gray fabric was 80% cotton. The total cost of this DIY was less than US$ 25, having purchased my supplies in Peruvian Soles. This included all the materials and having it sewn because I don’t own a machine.

Material and Tools
2 pieces of fabric measuring at least 2.36 x 2.36 m wide and long each – I purchased 2.5 meters of cloth
Buttons or a zipper – I used 4 buttons of 2 cm.
Lace (for the eyelets)
Measuring tape
Thread, in the fabric color
Sewing machine – I took this to be sewn

Place the fabric over each other, over a smooth surface.

Mark a square 2.30 meter square and a 3 cm margin surrounding it with pins

Baste the 2.30 m square to facilitate sewing.

Leave an unsewn 80 cm space to the center of one side. This is where we will insert the duvet.

Cut the excess fabric of the 3 cm margin.

Sew over the basted 2.30 m square and overlock the ends.

Fold over the fabric of the open space, and sew it separately. I sewed it by hand with an “invisible” stitch.

Sew the buttons on one side of the open space and add lace eyelets on the other side. I also sewed this by hand, folding the lace like bunny ears.

Flip the cover over and place the duvet inside.

I hope you like it!

How much fruit should I eat? | Lifestyle | Video

This post was inspired by eavesdropping in the gym. I overheard a ladies locker room conversation about someone who had unfavorable results from eating massive amounts of fruit. This reminded me how as a younger Ale, I ate large amounts of fruit only to find myself feeling and looking very bloated the next morning. Español aquí.

Throughout my humble experience working out since I was 15 years old, I’ve learned some things about being healthy. One of them being the importance of knowing how to eat the right proportions. In summary, we know that eating fruit is healthy, but do me know how much we need?

First of all, you should know that fruit is high in sugar in the form of fructose. While it is coming from a natural source, it should be consumed in moderation. Excess sugar, in this case, fructose, is turned into triglycerides by your liver and is stored in your fat cells throughout the body. This is basically bad for your heart.

So how do you avoid overdoing it? Start by knowing how much is the recommended amount of fruit you should eat in a day. Specialized online articles recommend 2 to 3 servings of fruit a day, with the United States Department of Agriculture recommending 2 cups of fruits a day. I find the second recommendation helpful because it’s most precise to measure as some fruits will be bigger than others.

Thank you very much for reading, I hope you’ve enjoyed this post!

Five healthy and easy to take snacks | Lifestyle | Video

Hello friends, I hope you had an excellent week (and some Peruvian style locro stew too). This post brings you five healthy snack ideas that are easy to take with you wherever you go. The idea is to make it as easy as possible because who doesn’t need to optimize their schedule. Español aquí.

Above all I recommend you to take time to know what the recommended portion is for your snacks. Super meals are excellent as long as you eat the right amount. I hope you like it!

1. Dried fruits
Dried fruits are, in my opinion, the easiest choice to take with you. Try taking them in a glass jar to avoid exceeding the recommended serving size and not fall into the temptation to eat the whole bag. I’m listing my favorite dried fruits (but don’t eat them all at once).

  • Almonds – 23 units
  • Peanuts – 28 units
  • Eyelashes – 20 halves
  • Cashew – 16 units
  • Raisins – ¼ cup (fiber)
  • Apricots – ¼ cup
  • Guindones – 10 units

2. Berries
Berries are also an excellent companion to take with you because they are easy to eat. You don’t need to remove the skin or the seeds, at least not the ones listed below). Also, they keep well in the refrigerator when they are fresh or in the freezer when they are frozen.

  • Aguaymanto (physalis peruviana) – ½ cup
  • Blackberries – 9 units (80 gr.)
  • Blueberry – ½ cup
  • Raspberry – 24 units (80 gr.)

3. Yogurt
One way I used to calm my hunger when I worked in an office was with natural yogurt. There was a kitchen where I’d keep a bottle that I drank through the week. Yogurt is a good source of calcium and when it has probiotics it helps with digestion. I recommend choosing one without sugar or sweeteners, which can be difficult to find but not impossible. The recommended daily serving is a cup (don’t cheat by measuring with a large mug). My yogurt recommends 200 gr.

4. Veggie sticks
I love choosing vegetable sticks as a fresh snack. Celery and carrots are ideal for this. Pack them with a dip if you want to add flavor. Get them ready to eat or make them in advance. They keep well in the refrigerator, so you can prep them from the night before. Use a sealed container when keeping them in the refrigerator so they don’t dry out.

5. Crackers and cheese
The last option is inspired by tapas. Pack crackers and cheese cut up in small slices or another topping to eat wherever you go. Remember to read the wrapper for the recommended of crackers per day. Other nice toppings include jams. My crackers wrapping recommends about 10.

Seven tips for an improved gym experience | Lifestyles

The first time I joined to the gym, I was about fifteen years old and I asked my mom for a boob job (not that we could pay for). Instead, she signed me up for the gym. Flash forward to fifteen years later and nothing ever filled out as I hoped. But that is a post for another time. Español aquí.

More recently, a friend asked me for recommendations to go to the gym. I texted at length about hygiene (the stories I could tell you about my unpleasant gym experience in Lima…), motivation through Instagram, and more hygiene. Because I enjoy talking about the benefits of exercise for a healthy lifestyle, here is my list for seven tips to improve your gym experience. I hope you like it!

1. Have your gym clothes ready
Having my exercise clothes available and close at hand when I used to jog at 5:00 a.m. improved my ability to get out of bed and leave the house on time. Now that I go to the gym, having my workout clothes clean and in a specific spot also helps me get to my destination.

2. Track your workout
For a long time I made slow progress with my exercise because I wasn’t consistent with my exercise. I would forget my routine or the weight that I had used. That all changed when I started tracking it. Use a small notebook or an app. It really helps you see the big picture.

3. Make a playlist
This is awesome advice: group your workout songs in a playlist and avoid having to interrupt yourself to search for a new song or stop one that doesn’t go with your vibe. Choose songs that will keep you energized and enjoying your workout. Don’t forget to make it as long as you workout so that you don’t replay the same songs over again.

4. Use a water bottle
We know it’s important to be hydrated when you are exercising. While most gyms have a water fountain, carrying a water bottle keeps the water at hand and avoids interrupting your workout.

5. Eat something
Remember to eat before and after working out. Skipping meals can cause fatigue and also your body to burn muscle (and not fat) to give you energy. I’ve had bad experiences when I forgot to eat and I had to sit down at the gym because I felt too weak.

6. Motivate yourself
A trick I used when making myself go jogging in the New York winter was following workout accounts on Instagram to see ladies with healthy looking beach bodies. I do the same now when I am lazy. Always keep in mind you want to be your best self, emphasis on being yourself.

7. Keep clean hygiene habits
Lastly, be considerate with yourself and others by maintaining good hygiene. This includes changing your gym clothes regularly and making sure your deodorant is still active when you hit the gym. Use a towl to keep your sweat off the gym equipment when you work out. As they say, do unto others as you would have them do to you.

Five recommendations for an awesome picnic | Lifestyle

The first time I had a picnic I cycling to a busy park with a friend and a large plastic container of tuna and potato salad, and two plastic forks. Looking back on it, we hadn’t really thought out the logistics of our activity and it got very messy. My second experience was stellar. A very special school friend’s sister and friends orchestrated a beautiful picnic for her baby shower. Now I love picnics. Español aquí.

Today’s lifestyle post brings you ideas about this fun outdoor activity that you can share with the people you love. I am including some notes on how we carried out the baby shower picnic which was in Lima. I’m sorry I didn’t take any photos of the baby shower, but my battery died and I choose a bad time to live the moment. Thank you so much to Maria Grazia Peña who kindly shared the baby shower photos in the blue and white checkered cloth with me.

1. Make it pretty
Doing something out of the ordinary like sharing a meal with your friends in the park calls for making it something special and memorable. Pinterest is an excellent source to inspire you on how to decorate and set up your picnic station.

The baby shower picnic I participated had a blue and white checkered theme. For decoration we used fruit crates that we painted baby blue, white flowers in white tins and various cute baskets. We also bought blue plastic dishes and cups for the food and drinks. We went all out because it was a very special occasion for us.

2. Go somewhere nice
Think ahead and pick out where you want to carry out your picnic in advance so that you are aware of any permits or norms. I recommend choosing a park that offers safety, parking and isn’t over crowded. It’s not a bad idea to locate yourself at a walking distance from a public bathroom. The Miraflores and San Isidro districts in Lima offer nice parks and many look out onto the sea.

Parque María Reiche

We learned that San Isidro don’t have a norm for picnics so you don’t require to have a permit. What you can do is deliver a letter to them letting them know about the event. I strongly recommend visiting their office to discuss it directly. Our phone calls and facebook messages with them were misleading. Of course, drinking alcohol is not permitted in public places.

3. Think finger food
Eating outside favors finger food. Petite sandwiches and healthy snacks are picnic friendly. For fruits and vegetables you should wash them in advance and cut them in a way that is easiest to eat. Lemonade and infused water are refreshing beverages for picnics. Potlucks are a fun way to share a group meal without having to bill your friends.

Baby shower snacks

My friend’s sister and friends made a beautiful spread of sandwiches, fruits and sweets. I especially liked the fruit kabobs and baby bananas. I volunteered to bring iced tea. For making the drinks cold we bought a bag of ice and added it in each cup. If you have a cooler, it’s a good time to use it.

4. Get comfortable
Bring enough blankets or mats for laying out your food and sitting your guests. Your normal beach blanket may be large enough for two friends, but after you put food on it, it probably won’t leave room for either of you. Color combination is a nice idea for making your event look handsome. If do, you can all agree to bring one color or print, or buy the same blanket or cloth for everyone. Don’t forget some pillows as you could become tired of sitting on the same flat spot.

For our baby shower picnic we took the second route and the mommy-to-be’s sister provided a large blue and white checkered cloth. As our group of twenty trickled in, the cloth because scarce, but she saved the day with roll of ultra resistant printed towels.

5. Arrive early
Plan on arriving early or designate someone for the task in order to scout out your spot and do any unplanned cleaning. If you all arrive too late, you may not find the seat you wanted.

We had to do some unplanned cleaning for our picnic, as we chose a spot with a beautiful view, but it was littered with cigarette butts and empty beer bottles.

Bonus: Be thoughtful
Be thoughtful to your guests by planning out for any accidental spills and other natural human disasters. If you are in Lima, be careful with your personal belongings and don’t leave them unwatched or laying out. You can also be a good guest to your park and remember to collect your trash. You will be an even better guest if you sort it out for recycling.

Personally, I was a little nervous about have a picnic in the park because Lima can be unsafe but we picked a park which was very nice and well guarded. We had no problems.