Hello friends, I hope you had an excellent week (and some Peruvian style locro stew too). This post brings you five healthy snack ideas that are easy to take with you wherever you go. The idea is to make it as easy as possible because who doesn’t need to optimize their schedule. Español aquí.

Above all I recommend you to take time to know what the recommended portion is for your snacks. Super meals are excellent as long as you eat the right amount. I hope you like it!

1. Dried fruits
Dried fruits are, in my opinion, the easiest choice to take with you. Try taking them in a glass jar to avoid exceeding the recommended serving size and not fall into the temptation to eat the whole bag. I’m listing my favorite dried fruits (but don’t eat them all at once).

  • Almonds – 23 units
  • Peanuts – 28 units
  • Eyelashes – 20 halves
  • Cashew – 16 units
  • Raisins – ¼ cup (fiber)
  • Apricots – ¼ cup
  • Guindones – 10 units

2. Berries
Berries are also an excellent companion to take with you because they are easy to eat. You don’t need to remove the skin or the seeds, at least not the ones listed below). Also, they keep well in the refrigerator when they are fresh or in the freezer when they are frozen.

  • Aguaymanto (physalis peruviana) – ½ cup
  • Blackberries – 9 units (80 gr.)
  • Blueberry – ½ cup
  • Raspberry – 24 units (80 gr.)

3. Yogurt
One way I used to calm my hunger when I worked in an office was with natural yogurt. There was a kitchen where I’d keep a bottle that I drank through the week. Yogurt is a good source of calcium and when it has probiotics it helps with digestion. I recommend choosing one without sugar or sweeteners, which can be difficult to find but not impossible. The recommended daily serving is a cup (don’t cheat by measuring with a large mug). My yogurt recommends 200 gr.

4. Veggie sticks
I love choosing vegetable sticks as a fresh snack. Celery and carrots are ideal for this. Pack them with a dip if you want to add flavor. Get them ready to eat or make them in advance. They keep well in the refrigerator, so you can prep them from the night before. Use a sealed container when keeping them in the refrigerator so they don’t dry out.

5. Crackers and cheese
The last option is inspired by tapas. Pack crackers and cheese cut up in small slices or another topping to eat wherever you go. Remember to read the wrapper for the recommended of crackers per day. Other nice toppings include jams. My crackers wrapping recommends about 10.