I am very happy to share this post. It is a recipe I was hoping to try for months and that now I can finally share and recommend. If you like pasta and fish, keep reading.

Fettucine con salmón y langostinos

As I mentioned in my previous post, there has been a small revolution in my kitchen since a week ago which began with a plumbing reparation that left us all without hot water (I am grateful for the showers at my gym). This revolution grew to a change of our floor tiles. This went on for various weeks, but (at last) we have our kitchen back.

I was veeery pleased with myself for making this recipe, as I had never prepared pasta and fish. As you may know, Peruvians are very careful about eating fresh fish. The result of this could either go very well or send my family to the ER due to intoxication.

500 gr. fettuccine noodles
500 gr. fresh salmon
400 gr. shrimp  – I used precooked and unshelled shrimp
200 gr. cream
200 gr. mushrooms
1 small onion, minced
1 garlic, minced or ground
Salt and pepper
1 teaspoon sugar
½ cup water
Capers (optional)

1 arugula, washed and cut
1 red pepper, washed and sliced
Salt and pepper
Olive oil

Bring the fettucine to a boil in a large pot with plenty of hot water, and a little oil and salt. Cook for 8 to 10 minutes, adding the pasta to the water after it boils.

Fettucine con salmón y langostinos

Skin and cut the salmon into medium sized pieces. You can read how to skin and cut in this post. Set it apart.

Stir fry the onion and garlic in a large oiled  pan. When golden, add the salmon. When the salmon is cooked or near to cooked, you can add the shrimp. Then, when the shrimp is cooked, add the mushrooms and cream, and stir.

Fettucine con salmón y langostinos
Fettucine con salmón y langostinos

When the fettucine are cooked, strain and return them to the pot. You can add a squirt of oil to prevent sticking.

Bring the pasta and fish sauce together in a pot or wok. Serve the pasta and place the fish, shrimp and mushrooms over each plate so they will not break in the pot. Place capers over the dishes.

Bring the arugula and pepper together in a bowl. Season with olive oil, salt and pepper.

Serves 5 people. 

When purchasing your ingredients, be sure they are well sealed. The Gloria milk creme I purchased had its seal broken. My sister ran to another grocery store to aid me and afterwards we were refunded by Wong for the milk, but it’s best to check the quality of your products before you leave the shop.

Fettucine con salmón y langostinos