I must confess that I find it rather difficult to publish regularly on the blog, even though I’m in the middle of a slightly sabbatical period in my life. The reason I was absent last week was because I dedicated it exclusively to visiting friends and family. I celebrated the early birthday No. 30 of a very close friend, kissed my only living grandmother on her birthday No. 90, and also met some new people.

I will not go into detail about my visiting week. Instead, I will upgrade the first recipe I shared with you for Peruvian Style Sauteed Chicken. In my earlier post, I was testing a very nice recipe from Peruvian chef Gaston Acurio. I realized that I have started to make it slightly differently (without the bbq sauce) and I wanted to share this new version as a recipe and video.

As always, I hope you will like it and use it in you menu this week.

1 chicken breast
1 small red onion
3 tomatoes peeled
¼ cup soy sauce (approx.)
1 tablespoon vinegar (optional)
Salt and pepper
1 Peruvian yellow pepper (optional)

Place thick vertical strips of the onion and tomatoes into a medium bowl. Make sure to remove most of the seeds and liquids from the tomato. Add chicken in strips or square cuts.

Remember that more thickness in the chicken means it will take longer to cook.

Add Peruvian yellow peppers in small squares or as paste. This step is optional and will add spice, depending on your taste.

Marinate with salt, pepper, soy sauce and vinegar. Vinegar is optional. I have made it without it and it has come out alright.

Let the mix rest for 5-10 minutes or more. I seldom leave it in the refrigerator since the morning after this step, and finish cooking it just before serving. Remember to cover it if you will leave it in the refrigerator, as it will dry up otherwise.

Heat oil in a pan or wok. I use a medium pot to avoid the oil which slatters.

 Stirfry the chicken and vegetables in 2 or more turns. First, add the chicken to the oil until it cooks. Remove the chicken and cook the vegetables

If you add all the ingredients at a time, it will make a lot of juice and will be or less fry and more bland consistancy. You can always cook it this way if you prefer.

You can garnish it with cilantro leaves. Peruvians usually serve it over french fries and with a side of rice, or with mix of beans and rice known as tacu tacu. I have tried to make this last dish, but I am still practicing.

Serves: 3-4 people