I have been eating fish during the weekends for several weeks now due to its high value in protein and healthy fats. The fish I repeat most often is salmon but lately I’ve been looking for a different way to make it other than fried or steamed. I really wanted to try covering it with sesame seeds and in the oven, and this is how I came to this really simple recipe that I recommend if you want mix things up and make it a little fancy.

Salmón con ajonjolí

This recipe considers two slices of salmon (*), but feel free to add more cuts for more people. You will may also need some more sesame seeds, which you can add by the spoonful as you go along.

Sorry about my pulse on the videos, I hope no one get’s dizzy…

2 cuts of salmon
4 tablespoons sesame seeds (approx.)
¼ cup olive oil (approx.)
3-4 cloves garlic
Salt and pepper

Start by cutting the salmon into two pieces, in case it is not already cut.

 Mix olive oil, garlic, salt, and pepper in a bowl.

Spread sesame seed on a plate.

Bring the salmon cut into the bowl and bathe in the mix.

Cover the salmon with the seeds by placing each side over the plate. You don’t need to cover the side with skin. This part can get a little messy.

Place the salmon on an oiled dish on the side that has the skin. I like to cover the dish with aluminum foil as it is a good conductor of heat and also to avoid having to wash it.

 Repeat for each piece.

Cover the dish to allow overall cooking.

Place in a preheated oven and cook for about 45 minutes at 450°F for well cooked. You can cook for less time if you like it more pink, depending on your preference.

You can serve with potatos baked with butter and rosemary, and cooked vegetables.

Serves 2 people (*).