How was your week? I hope it was excellent. Mine was great, with a typical Thanksgiving dinner in New York and a visit to my family in New Jersey. So much food inspired me to think of more food, and to bring you this easy to make recipe for preparing Peruvian Style Beans.

Peruvian style beans

When I talk about of Peruvian style beans, I am referring to the yellow beans that are known as “canary” or “Peruvian” beans. Although very popular in Peru, a trivia fact is that these beans are actually from Mexico.

Beans are pretty much a meal on their own, as they contain carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, and fiber. If you want to avoid the gassy side effects, don’t forget to soak them and discarding the water in which they were soaked, as it absorbs the properties that causes them.

Another bonus point for beans is that it keeps well in the refrigerator, where it can be stored for up to five days. It also tastes better when it is reheated and refried with rice for a Peruvian Tacu Tacu dish (recipe coming soon).

2 cups of canary beans
1 red onion – used as ½ whole and ½ finely chopped or liquefied
100 grs. Pork (optional) – can be a slice of bacon
4 garlic cloves, peeled and chopped
Salt to taste

Soak the beans in abundant water since the night before. The next day, drain it.

Cook the beans in more abundant water, until the beans are soft. Use a large pot and check constantly so that they are always covered by water, and the beans do not burn.

Cook in abundant water

I recommend adding ½ onion (trick # 01) and a piece of pork (trick # 02) while you cook to give it a rich flavor. The onion will dissolve and you can remove the pork after the beans are cooked.

Depending on the consistency you prefer, you can blend the cooked beans and onions for a mashed style. If you prefer them solids, you can remove the onion and continue cooking them as they are. I really like mashed beans so I always blend them.

Brown the minced onion and garlic in an oiled pot. Add the beans and cook on them low heat for about 30 minutes, adding small amounts of water to avoid drying.

Decorate with minced cilantro leaves, and serve with meat and rice. It is goes very well with Peruvian sauteed chicken or beef.

Garnish with cilantro, and serve with white rice

Serves 4 people.