I am very happy to greet you and share my first post for 2017. My sabbatical came to an end in December and I am back in Lima. I took a small break at the start of the year while I resolved some personal issues (looked for a job), but I am back because I missed sharing these posts.

Peruvian style fish escabeche

This post is based on Fish Escabeche from Nicolini’s recipe book and it was prepared with Peruvian paiche fish. Escabeche originates from Spain and has expanded throughout the world, with a strong presence in Mediterranean and Latin American food. Most of its variations consist of meat which has been marinated and cooked with vinegar, and seasoned with peppers. In Peru, Escabeche is a staple during Easter, due to the catholic custom of eating fish in that holiday. It is also prepared with chicken.

½ cup of vinegar
2 large onions in wedges
2 Peruvian peppers in slices
1kg / ½ lb to ½ kilo / ¼ lb of fish in large cuts – we use Paiche
4 ground mirasol peppers
2 garlic cloves, minced or ground
Lettuce leaves, washed – we use arugula
Sweet potato, cooked
Eggs, boiled, in halves or pieces
Olives, without seeds
Salt, pepper and cumin, to taste

Bring the vinegar, onion and Peruvian pepper together in a bowl. Agregar la hierbabuena, la sal, la pimienta y el comino. Dejar reposar por 1 hora o más.

Wash and dry the fish. Salt and pepper, and cover with flower.

Fry in hot oil. Set aside.

Cook the garlic and mirasol pepper in oil. Add the vinegar, onion and Peruvian pepper.

Boil once. Echar la salsa de cebolla sobre el pescado

Garnish with eggs and olives. Serve over lettuce and with sweet potato. It is recommended to keep this in the refrigerator overnight or for longer.

Garnish with eggs and olives

Serves 4 to 6 people, depending on the amount of fish.