Hiya! This week’s post joins the Cookpad Peru # PortiPerú challenge to share recipes for Peruvian flooding victims that use non-perishable ingredients and don’t call for a lot of water. We propose this easy to make recipe for tuna fritters. Español aquí.

Fritters are a very simple dish that isn’t exclusive to Peruvian food. There are numerous other variations that originate in Asia and Europe, some of them are salty and others are sweet. What I like most about this recipe is that you can change the tuna filling for any one you prefer.

Making fritters brings back very special memories for me. Its flavor makes me remember being seven years old and spending the afternoon with my grandmother. She made fritters with lettuce and tomato that smelled amazing. I hope you like it!

1 can (170 grs with water & 120 grs when drained) of tuna
4 eggs
1 medium onion minced and browned in oil
3 tablespoons of flour
Salt and pepper to taste

Add the egg whites to a bowl. Beat the whites until stiff.

Join in the yolks one by one and mix them in.

Add salt and pepper. Mix in the onion and flour.

Add the drained tuna and mix in.

Heat an oiled pan.

Add the batter with the help of a spoon.

Flip over to cook on the other side.


Serve with white rice, spaghetti or cooked greens.

Makes 8 to 12 fritter servings.