Hi lovelies! I hope you are excellent! I turned 31 last week… But enough about myself because this post is dedicated to someone very special to me, my mom. I know I already shared a recipe for Peruvian style chili chicken last year. The difference with this one is that my camera is less shaky and that I’m only using one type of Peruvian chili, the yellow one which we also call green for some reason I don’t know. Español aquí.

In case you are wondering why I using less ingredients, I did it for two reasons. The first one is because my mom always made it this way. The second is to show you that you can still make it from places with less access to Peruvian ingredients and that way you don’t lose the habit of eating Peruvian. For me, the taste remains.

Before jumping into the recipe I want to wish all the beautiful moms who are visiting my blog a very happy Mother’s Day. I am very blessed to have had a mother who loves me very much and now I will enjoy Mother’s Day even more because my older sister is soon to become a mommy for the first time. I have a very beautiful family and so many reasons to be thankful. I hope you do too. Hugs for everyone!

1 chicken breast
1 red onion, minced
2 garlic cloves, minced
2 yellow Peruvian chili peppers, without seeds and veins, crushed with oil
4 slices of white bread or 1 ciabatta bread
2 tablespoons of walnuts, finely chopped
3 tablespoons of grated Parmesan cheese
1 cup of milk
Salt and pepper

Boil the chicken in salted water.

Let the chicken cool off.

Soak the bread in the broth from the chicken.

Pull the chicken and set it aside.

Sauté onion and garlic.

Add the Peruvian chili.

Add the soaked bread.

Incorporate the chicken.

Add the Parmesan cheese, walnuts and milk.

Cook at low heat for 10 minutes.

Garnish egg slices and serve with cooked potatoes and white rice. I recommend eating only with carb.

Makes 4 servings.