Hello friends. At 31 years old, I’m going to be… an aunt. As I shared in this week’s video recipe, my sister is going to be a mom for the first time. You don’t know how happy this makes me. At the same time, I think a lot about how I’m going to help my nephew to grow. I know that education will be his best gift. Since I have been making gifts for children, I have been choosing books. Now that I know that out of every 10 Peruvian children, only 5 understand what they read, I won’t stop. Español aquí.

That is why I wanted to take a lil bit of time to tell you about the “Aprendamos Juntos” program, which is supported by the “Fundación Custer” and their campaign “Una causa por la educación”. The campaign name has quite a cute pun in Spanish. “Aprendamos Juntos” is an initiative that provides educational therapies for children in 1st and 2nd grade, coursing in schools that are vulnerable to learning problems and are located in places such as Comas, Ventanilla, San Juan de Lurigancho, among others. Click here to read more about them. In summary, they strengthen children’s learning capabilities with psychologists, involving their teachers and their parents.

But what about the food? Here is where I tell you that these ten restaurants – which are already quite well known and respected in Lima – have pledged a percentage of their profits in May towards the program. Because I know we all love to eat good food, I hope you can keep them in your radar and join us in this good cause. I also plan to collaborate (with my humble salary) and I will be sharing pictures of the restaurants I visited through my social networks. And you, do you know where you want to go?

1. ámaZ

2. Mangos

3. Cala

4. La Bonbonniere

5. Punta Sal

6. La Huaca Pucllana

7. Cuarto y Mitad

8. Charlotte

9.Popular de aquí y de allá

10. Costanera 700