I am very happy to share this post with you. So many editing problems, but thanks to Michael I can greet you personally. What I love about this recipe is how simple it is as it is only made with just with vegetables, chicken stock and milk. Now, I was very excited to use almond milk, but I could not find the one I was looking for in stores so I used cow milk from Vacas Felices. I will keep you posted when I find the milk I’m looking for… Español aquí.

This soup is perfect as an entrée or you can also enjoy it as a main dish. What I love the most about it is how nice it looks with the croutons and Parmesan cheese. In the post I am including how to make quick chicken stew and croutons, in case you want to make it at home. For the croutons stale bread is best don’t worry if you have fresh bread. It all works. Hope you enjoy!


1 ½ kilo of squash, butternut squash works well
1 cup chicken broth
1 cup milk – you can use almond milk
Salt to taste

Homemade Chicken broth
1 piece of chicken
1 carrot, peeled
1 celery stick
4 cups of water
Salt, to taste

Homemade croutons
1 bread loaf, preferably stale
¼ cup oil
Pepper, to taste
Salt to taste
Oregano, to taste

Slice the squash. Cook it by steam.

Crush it with a some of the broth.

Bring the pumpkin and the remaining stock together in a pot.

Add the milk.

Cook on low heat for a few minutes.

Chicken broth
Bring the ingredients together in a pot. Bring to a boil.Cook in low to medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes.

Homemade croutons
Cut the bread into pieces.

Mix the oil, salt, pepper and oregano in a bowl. Soak the bread in the mix.

Heat an oiled pan. Brown on the pan.

Serve the soup with the croutons and garnish with parmesan cheese.

Makes 3 – 4 servings.