I think a lot about food, as you may have noticed. For all the times that I can’t get my act together and figure out my work lunch plans, I turn to tuna in a can. With a little salt and lemon, it’s a delicious and quick lunch that you can make in the office. Español aquí.

I actually quite proud of my relationship with fish. As a child, I used to be very sensitive to the smell. “Please mommy no”, sounds familiar. I was a picky eater. But I’ve learned to enjoy foods that are good for me. Fish is very important for my list of foods that are good for me. Here is a quick walk through this recipe so that you can enjoy it too.

1 can of tuna
Juice from one lemon
Salt to taste
1 small ripe avocado
Soda crackers

Place the contents of a can of drained tuna in a recipient.

Add lemon juice and salt.

Bring it together with a fork.

Move it to a plate, if you will use another one.

Serve with ripe avocado and soda crackers.


Makes 01 to 02 servings.