My patience was tested. It all started with malware, but the story about why I didn’t post on Monday will have to wait for another post. Today I’m just happy to share this recipe for my first food preparation with chicken and vegetables for five days. Obviously I could make it for more days, but can we go little by little? Español aquí.

As I shared with you, or maybe I dreamt that I did, I started working again in April and from the first day I knew that lunch would be an issue. I’m quite used to living (mostly) without rice, eating lots of vegetables. But this is not normal food in Lima. I also don’t have time to make a wholesome meal every day. Solution, make lunch in advance. I promise you it keeps well in the refrigerator. If you do not mind eating the same thing five days in a row, follow my lead.

1 ½ kilo of boneless chicken breast
3 large carrots, peeled and diced
Zucchini or eggplant, peeled and diced
Salt and pepper
Olive oil

Clean and cut the chicken into medium pieces.

Salt and pepper.

Cook in water over low heat.

Set aside.

Cook the vegetables in water or steam.

Set aside.

Add to containers and let it cool.

Freeze what you will eat in two days or more, and bring down to the refrigerator what you will eat the next day to thaw.

Makes 5 servings.