Petite blog for Peruvian wellbeing

Category: easy to make (page 1 of 3)

Breakfast quinoa

Breakfast is one of my favorite rituals. I don’t always have time for it. But when I can, I really enjoy sitting at the table with a cup of tea and a bowl of good things to eat. I’m still trying to eat quinoa with everything. This time, here is a post for bringing together a simple quinoa breakfast bowl. Español aquí.

There is something very relaxed about breakfast bowls and that is that you can generally combine them as you best choose. In this case, the base is quinoa. Do you remember how easy it was to prepare it with all the other Andean superfoods? I chose strawberries for this post because they were in season and I love the sweet taste of honey. How do you enjoy your breakfast? Read more

Recipe: Easy to make office tuna

I think a lot about food, as you may have noticed. For all the times that I can’t get my act together and figure out my work lunch plans, I turn to tuna in a can. With a little salt and lemon, it’s a delicious and quick lunch that you can make in the office. Español aquí.

I actually quite proud of my relationship with fish. As a child, I used to be very sensitive to the smell. “Please mommy no”, sounds familiar. I was a picky eater. But I’ve learned to enjoy foods that are good for me. Fish is very important for my list of foods that are good for me. Here is a quick walk through this recipe so that you can enjoy it too. Read more

3 Andean superfoods: quinoa, kiwicha and kaniwa

I am very happy to share today’s post for how to make 3 Andean superfoods: quinoa, kiwicha and kaniwa. The idea is to show you how easy it is to prepare these pseudo cereals so that you can think of them when you plan out your meals, especially for their great nutritional value. Español aquí.

Personally, I love them for breakfast, either replacing cereal or adding them to my oatmeal. This week I made them in advance, storing them in the refrigerator to eat during the week. Of course I also enjoy them in dishes like stews. But first things first. Let’s read a little about them and see how they are made. Read more

Recipe: Peruvian Style Pisco Sour | Easy to Make

We are patriotic today! For today’s post I want to share a recipe that is very special for me because it is one of those things that makes you you. I am referring to the cocktail known as pisco sour and one of the most traditional drinks for Peruvians. Here is how we make in this part of the world. Keep reading if you are thirsty. Español aquí.

I would love to tell you this recipe has been in my family for ages, but no one knew how to make it. I found this recipe online, it’s a very simple version with a 3-1-1 ratio. That is, 3 servings of pisco, 1 serving of syrup, and 1 serving of lemon juice. I like the recommendation to freeze the glasses before using.

Because of the nature of the drink (Peruvian style…), I recommend using Peruvian pisco. If are abroad, in say the US, pisco can be hard to find, but not impossible. I found pisco in Austin, Texas by looking online and calling the liquor store before going going to confirm that they had it. If the sellers do not have it, I have been offered other brandies or pisco of another nationality. But do not worry, “he who seeks beauty will find it”.

1 measure of lemon juice – I used ⅓ cup
1 measure of simple syrup – I used ⅓ cup
3 measures of pisco – I used 1 cup
1 egg white
5 – 6 ice cubes
3 – 4 drops of angostura bitter

Add the ingredients, except the angostura bitter. Crush them in the blender.

Serve. I recommend doing this in two parts to better distribute the foam between the glasses.

Add the drops of angostura bitter.


Makes 3 – 4 servings.

Recipe: Squash Soup | Easy to Make | Video

I am very happy to share this post with you. So many editing problems, but thanks to Michael I can greet you personally. What I love about this recipe is how simple it is as it is only made with just with vegetables, chicken stock and milk. Now, I was very excited to use almond milk, but I could not find the one I was looking for in stores so I used cow milk from Vacas Felices. I will keep you posted when I find the milk I’m looking for… Español aquí.

This soup is perfect as an entrée or you can also enjoy it as a main dish. What I love the most about it is how nice it looks with the croutons and Parmesan cheese. In the post I am including how to make quick chicken stew and croutons, in case you want to make it at home. For the croutons stale bread is best don’t worry if you have fresh bread. It all works. Hope you enjoy!


1 ½ kilo of squash, butternut squash works well
1 cup chicken broth
1 cup milk – you can use almond milk
Salt to taste

Homemade Chicken broth
1 piece of chicken
1 carrot, peeled
1 celery stick
4 cups of water
Salt, to taste

Homemade croutons
1 bread loaf, preferably stale
¼ cup oil
Pepper, to taste
Salt to taste
Oregano, to taste

Slice the squash. Cook it by steam.

Crush it with a some of the broth.

Bring the pumpkin and the remaining stock together in a pot.

Add the milk.

Cook on low heat for a few minutes.

Chicken broth
Bring the ingredients together in a pot. Bring to a boil.Cook in low to medium heat for 15 to 20 minutes.

Homemade croutons
Cut the bread into pieces.

Mix the oil, salt, pepper and oregano in a bowl. Soak the bread in the mix.

Heat an oiled pan. Brown on the pan.

Serve the soup with the croutons and garnish with parmesan cheese.

Makes 3 – 4 servings.